1.6.48 / 2024-07-02
Remove ‘register’ classifier from variables since it’s disallowed in C++17.
Update to libpng-1.6.43, libjpeg-turbo-3.0.3, libfox-1.6.58 for Windows binary gems.
1.6.47 / 2024-02-15
Migrate from opengl-bindings to opengl-bindings2. #74
Update to libz-1.3.1, libpng-1.6.42, libjpeg-turbo-3.0.2, libtiff-4.6.0 for Windows binary gems.
Add binary gem support for ruby-3.3 on Windows.
Drop support for ruby-2.5
1.6.46 / 2023-02-19
Add binary gem support for ruby-3.2 on platform x64-mingw-ucrt and drop ruby-2.4.
Update to libz-1.2.13, libpng-1.6.39, libjpeg-turbo-, libtiff-4.5.0 for Windows binary gems.
Add documentation options to gemspec, so that “gem install fxruby” generates suitable documentation.
1.6.45 / 2022-01-14
Add binary gem support for ruby-3.1 on platform x64-mingw-ucrt and drop ruby-2.3.
Update to libz-1.2.11, libjpeg-turbo-2.1.2, libtiff-4.3.0 for Windows binary gems.
1.6.44 / 2020-12-31
Add binary gem support for ruby-3.0. #66
Drop support for ruby-2.2
1.6.43 / 2020-11-27
Make FXRuby compatible to ruby-3.0
Migration to the
gem. Theopengl
gem is deprecated since years and no longer maintained.opengl-bindings
is the announced successor. -
Add an alternative location for API documentation: larskanis.github.io/fxruby/ This is because rubydoc.info is too often down.
Fix Canvas::ImageShape and shape selection. #60 This changes the position the text of TextShape is printed on the canvas.
1.6.42 / 2020-02-01
Fix a packing issue in 1.6.41:
had owner permission only.
1.6.41 / 2020-01-26
Add support for Ruby-2.7
Fix build error on FreeBSD. #51
Fix handling of scroll events to FXText instance.
Add 8 virtual methods of FXText to be passed through ruby.
FXText#findText: Return multi entry array only when searching Regex.
Fix several example apps in example/ dir.
Update to rake-compiler-dock-1.0 and use parallel cross build.
Update to libpng-1.6.37, jpeg-turbo-2.0.4, libtiff-4.1.0 on Windows binary gem.
1.6.40 / 2018-12-28
Fix some library classes which failed, when Fox was not included into the global namespace.
Add new accessor FXImage#dataPtr to access raw image data from FFI, Fiddle or OpenGL.
Ensure zero terminated strings in values of C-argv.
Remove various Ruby and C++ warnings.
Update libfox to 1.6.57.
Add support for RubyInstaller-2.6
Set minimum required ruby version to 2.2.
1.6.39 / 2017-12-26
Fix FXGLVisual.supported and .supported?
Add support for RubyInstaller-2.5
1.6.38 / 2017-07-27
Update dependent libraries for Windows binary gem.
Replace libjpeg-9b by libjpeg-turbo-1.5.2 on Windows binary gem.
Fix build with clang on FreeBSD (and possibly other OS). Fixes #41
1.6.37 / 2017-06-24
Add a 3rd type of FXRbObjects which is used for callbacks. Fixes #39
1.6.36 / 2017-06-04
Support the fxruby source gem on Windows (only RubyInstaller-2.4).
Replace our self-made directory search methods by pkg-config.
Enable the use of Win32 unicode functions. Fixes #30 and #38
Fix segfault in vsprintf on Windows 10.
Update support for RubyInstaller-2.4.1-1
Update to libjpeg-9b
More automation for gem releases
1.6.35 / 2017-02-15
Adjust for Ruby-2.4 with unified Integers
Add support for RubyInstaller-2.4
Drop support for Ruby-1.8 and 1.9. It may work with them, but is no longer tested.
Add compat with SWIG-3.0
Fix an issue with FXApp#removeInput introduced in fxruby-1.6.30.
Work around missing /usr/lib/libfxscintilla.so file in Ubuntu
Update dependent gems.
Update libraries for Windows build.
1.6.34 / 2016-04-26
Add support for RubyInstaller-2.3
Avoid RARRAY_PTR() which broke fxruby on ruby-2.3.0.
Make use of StringValueCStr() where it is suitable.
Fix initialisation of runOnUiThread event handler, when FXApp is called with a block.
Disable GVL on RubyInstaller-1.9.3. Fixes #24
1.6.33 / 2015-08-20
Avoid rb_* calls that are prohibited during GC. Fixes #23
Use copy’ing getters for FXVec members in FXMat*, FXMaterial and FXLight. This fixes the TC_FXMaterial#test_bug test case.
Fix test suite, so that all tests pass.
Add a travis-ci test setup and connect it to the github account.
1.6.32 / 2015-08-07
Avoid call to rb_class2name() during GC. Fixes #21
Use release mode, unless extconf.rb is called with –enable-debug, so that all FXTRACE() and FXASSERT() calls are skiped, per default.
Remove self made GC detection by ruby’s rb_during_gc().
Fix Windows binary x86-mingw32.gem for Ruby versions < 2.0
1.6.31 / 2015-07-21
Replace pipe2() by pipe() and fcntl(), because pipe2() is not as portable.
Add missing include statement. Fixes #20
1.6.30 / 2015-07-07
Fix crashes in rb_gc_mark(): 0x00000003f54af8 is T_ZOMBIE / T_NONE
Release Ruby’s GVL while calls to FXImage#savePixels, #loadPixels and FXApp#run* methods.
Add a working version for FXApp#addInput event handling on Windows. This works for sockets only for now.
Add FXApp#runOnUiThread and FXId#runOnUiThread . This allows to safely execute GUI code from other threads.
Use rake-compiler-dock for building windows binary gems.
1.6.29 / 2015-02-17
Add Windows binaries for Ruby-2.1 and 2.2.
Use shared libs for Windows binary gems to reduce gem size.
Allow non owned assignment of image data to FXImage derivations without copy’ing pixel data.
Allow retrival of parts of the pixel data.
Fix namespace specifier for FXRGB in kwargs.rb.
Change GC’ing of TreeListBox and FXTreeItem. Fixes #10
Update to swig version 2.0 or newer. Fixes #13
1.6.28 / 2013-07-05
Fix build for Ruby-2.0.0-p127+
Update libraries for win32 build: libfox-1.6.49
1.6.27 / 2013-04-05
Add support for Ruby-2.0.
Add cross compilation for x64-mingw32 target.
1.6.26 / 2013-02-16
Mark all text strings retrieved from fox as UTF-8 when running on Ruby 1.9
Fix loading error on Ruby 1.8.7 by renaming the C++ extension to fox16_c
Update libraries for windows cross compilation
1.6.25 / 2012-06-17
Windows: Fix slow loading of fox16.so by using a more recent mingw-w64 compiler (reported by Allen Doug and Igor Jorobus)
Fix two possible segfaults in conjunction with FXSplashWindow (reported by Igor Jorobus)
1.6.24 / 2012-06-06
Update libraries for win32 build: libz-1.2.7 libpng-1.5.10 libjpeg-8d libtiff-4.0.1 libfox-1.6.45
Avoid Segfauls in lots of methods when called with nil instead of FXApp, FXComposite or FXWindow objects
1.6.23 / 2012-03-08
Add YARD documentation support
Use generated Manifest.txt
Support for parallel task execution with drake
1.6.22 / 2012-02-21
Allow better access to raw pixel data of FXImage and derivatives
Build Windows binary gem per cross compiler on Linux
Add support for Rubinius (currently requires rubinius from git)
Add alias FXApp#modalWindow, as described in rdoc
Add quality parameter to FXJPGImage and FXJPGIcon
Fix invalid memory access in final GC call when using FXMenuCommand with acckey
Fix double referenced foxObj when borrowed object registration is triggered from C++
Fix Segfault while GC’ing FXWindows
Fix ‘object allocation not allowed while garbage collection’ bug
Fix clipboard handling on windows
Add missing namespace qualifier to FXSEL in FXAccelTable
Fix GC bug in FXAccelTable
Fix double free in FXMemoryStream#giveBuffer
Fix invalid memory access in typemap to zero terminated FXchar* (such as fillItems methods)
Fix FXApp#addInput for Ruby 1.9 on Linux
Fix “ruby_code case not handled: Regexp” issue with newer rubygems
Changes For Version 1.6.20 (November 09, 2009)
Integrated the Hoe and rake-compiler extensions into the Rakefile and removed redundant tasks.
Did some work to provide support for MinGW builds.
The previous release of FXRuby couldn’t be built from source against Ruby 1.9.1 final due to a change in some of the file-related utility libraries (see RubyForge Bug #23786). This problem has been corrected.
Changes For Version 1.6.19 (March 6, 2009)
The previous release of FXRuby couldn’t be built from source against Ruby 1.9.1 final due to a change in some of the file-related utility libraries (see RubyForge Bug #23786). This problem has been corrected.
The previous release of FXRuby couldn’t be built from source against Ruby versions 1.8.5 or earlier (see RubyForge Bug #23967). This problem has been corrected.
A change in the return value for Ruby’s
method broke some of the code related to message handling in FXRuby (see RubyForge Bug #23787). This problem has been corrected. -
method for theFXAccelTable
class now accepts lambda functions (or any other objects that respond tocall
). See the API documentation forFXAccelTable
for examples of how this works.
Changes For Version 1.6.18 (December 29, 2008)
Some users were having trouble building FXRuby on 64-bit operating systems (see RubyForge Bug #23375). This problem has been corrected.
Changes For Version 1.6.17 (December 24, 2008)
The Ruby interpreter was generating a large number of warning messages about redefined methods in the
library (see RubyForge Bug #19231 and elsewhere). This problem has been corrected. -
Due to recent changes in Ruby's garbage collection algorithm, FXRuby applications could under some circumstances crash for large numbers of table items (see RubyForge bugs ). This bug has been fixed.
The documentation for the
class referred to the non-existentsetColumnX
instance methods (see RubyForge Bug #21987). These entries have been removed from the documentation. -
A number of instance methods for the
class could crash an application if they were passed out-of-bounds index arguments (see RubyForge Bug #21987). These methods now raiseIndexError
when they're passed out-of-bounds indexes. -
Due to a change in the URL scheme for the Dilbert web site, the
example program was no longer working properly (see RubyForge Bug #21538). This has been fixed. -
method for theFXRangef
was returning ´self´ instead of anFXVec3f
instance for the range’s low bound (see RubyForge Bug #22488). This has been fixed. -
Made a number of minor fixes for compatibility with Ruby 1.9.1.
Changes For Version 1.6.16 (July 3, 2008)
Historically, if you called
on a window before its parent window was created, your application would crash (see RubyForge Bug #20702 and elsewhere). Now, the code should raise a ´RuntimeError´ with a message indicating the problem. -
The message data that the
widget sends along with its ´SEL_CHANGED´ and ´SEL_COMMAND´ messages wasn’t being handled properly, and as a result, applications using this widget could crash (see RubyForge Bug #20780). This problem has been fixed.
Changes For Version 1.6.15 (June 4, 2008)
FXRuby applications could crash (with a segmentation fault) if ´nil´ was passed in as the first argument to
(see RubyForge Bug #14642). These methods now raise an ´ArgumentError´ if ´nil´ is passed as the first argument. -
You should only ever construct one
object per application, but there was no protection against doing so in the code (see RubyForge Bug #16275). Now,FXApp.new
will raise aRuntimeException
if anFXApp
object already exists. -
example program, which previously depended on an external web service to perform translation between languages, was broken since that web service no longer exists (see RubyForge Bug #16962). The example has now been updated to use Dr. Nic's Tranexp library instead. -
The value of the ´MBOX_SAVE_CANCEL_DONTSAVE´ option (for the
class) wasn’t wrapped properly and was unusable (see RubyForge Bug #17094). There was also no constant corresponding to the ´MBOX_CLICKED_DONTSAVE´ return value. Both of these problems have been fixed. -
The fields for new
objects were uninitialized and as a result sometimes gave unpredictable results (see RubyForge Bug #19637). This has been fixed. -
attributes forFXTable
weren't implemented properly (see RubyForge Bug #20142). This has been fixed. -
Ruby 1.8.7 adds a new
method to theEnumerable
module, and this conflicts with the existingfirst
method defined in theFXWindow
base class for a number of FXRuby classes which mix inEnumerable
(see RubyForge Bug #20418). This problem has been resolved. -
Due to a bug in the
script, the build was failing for Ruby 1.9.0 (see RubyForge Bug #20426). This has been fixed.
Changes For Version 1.6.14 (March 29, 2008)
Updated the documentation for the
class to indicate which methods callrender
after they're finished, and which ones do not. -
Corrected a little typo in the
example program. -
Updated the
example program to use the more popular-and-likely-to-be-installed Hpricot HTML parser library instead of Rubyful Soup. -
Re-added the documentation for the ´TOGGLEBUTTON_KEEPSTATE´ option, which had mysteriously disappeared (see RubyForge Bug #2286).
Made a number of minor fixes to support building FXRuby against Ruby 1.9.
Added a binary gem for OS X. This works with the Ruby that's included with OS X (Leopard).
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.32 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.13 (November 9, 2007)
Calls to the
method for theFXTable
class were causing various memory-related errors on certain platforms (see RubyForge Bug #15444). This problem has been fixed. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.28 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.12 (October 19, 2007)
The API documentation for
referred to the non-existent instance methodactiveChild=
(see RubyForge Bug #10259). This method has been added. -
The API documentation for
also referred to the non-existent instance methodsgetMDIChildFirst
. These entries have been removed. -
The API documentation for
referred to non-existent instance methodsgetMDINext
(see RubyForge Bug #10436). The documentation has been corrected. -
Added the ´:repeat´ parameter for the
methods. See the documentation for more details, andgltest.rb
for an example of its use. -
Corrected a number of minor typos in the API documentation.
Corrected a typo in the
example. -
Modified the
example program to usePipe.read_nonblock()
instead ofPipe.read()
. -
Fixed a bug in the implementation of the
method for theFXText
class, when used with the ´SEARCH_REGEX´ option. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.28 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.11 (April 18, 2007)
as an alias forFXTextField#editable?
. -
instance method for theFXWindow
class. This method performs a depth-first traversal of the widget tree starting at the receiver window. -
Corrected some errors in the keyword arguments support for the
classes. -
Corrected an error in the keyword arguments support for the
class. -
Modified the gem specification so that the RDoc generated during a gem install is consistent with that generated by other methods (see RubyForge Bug #10035).
Changes to the
library in version 1.6.6 introduced a bug in theeach
method for theFXFoldingList
classes (see RubyForge Bug #10175). This problem has been fixed. -
Applied submitted patches for building FXRuby against Ruby 1.9 (see RubyForge Bug #10181). Please note that building FXRuby against the Ruby 1.9 code base is still officially unsupported; however, I'm glad to accept patches that will help make this possible.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.25 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.9 (April 8, 2007)
A bug was discovered in the keyword arguments library support for the
class (see RubyForge Bug #9927). This problem has been fixed. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.25 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.8 (April 5, 2007)
Due to an internal bookkeeping error, applications like the
example program which create multipleFXGLViewer
instances could cause an assertion to fail. When this assertion fails on Windows, the program simply crashes (see RubyForge Bug #9775). This problem has been fixed. -
The keyword arguments library, introduced in version 1.6.5, is now included automatically when you load FXRuby; it is no longer necessary to explicitly require it.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.25 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.7 (March 31, 2007)
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.25 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.6 (February 10, 2007)
Somewhere along the way, the RAA browser example program got broken due to changes in the SOAP interface to RAA (see RubyForge Bug #7977). This has been fixed.
Some debugging code that was meant to detect errors in FXRuby message data conversion was inadvertently causing some user applications to crash when running under Windows (see RubyForge Bug #8049). This debugging code has been changed to avoid the problem.
Modified the implementations of the each iterator methods for
(see RubyForge Bug #8090). The new implementation is a bit more robust in terms of modifications (such as deletion) of the iterated-over elements. -
A bug in the new keyword arguments library (introduced in version 1.6.5) caused the
method for theFXDCWindow
class to do the wrong thing (see RubyForge Bug #8441). This has been corrected. -
A different bug in the keyword arguments library caused the
method for theFXFont
class to do the wrong thing (see RubyForge Bug #8517). This also has been corrected. -
Yet another bug in the keyword arguments library broke the part of the code that used to yield ´self´ to an optional block attached to the call to
(see RubyForge Bug #8518). This has been corrected. -
Most of the FXRuby example programs have been updated to use the keyword arguments library.
Added a new “virtual” keyword argument ´:padding´ that can be used in place of (or in addition to) the ´:padLeft´, ´:padRight´, ´:padTop´ and ´:padBottom´ arguments for a constructor. When a ´:padding´ value is passed in to the arguments hash, that value will be used for any of the four regular padding values that aren’t otherwise specified. See the example programs for, you know, examples.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.20 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.5 (January 20, 2007)
Clicking outside of the visible cells for an
when there was no current selection caused the code to raise an exception (see RubyForge Bug #5907). This problem has been fixed. -
method for theFXApp
class was implemented incorrectly (see RubyForge Bug #7564). This problem has been fixed. -
classes did not have each iterator methods like most of the other list-based widgets (see RubyForge Patch #7978). These have been added. -
The API documentation for
claimed thatFXScrollArea
was its base class (see RubyForge Bug #7979). This has been corrected; the base class forFXMDIClient
. -
There was a small typo in the documentation for the
class options (see RubyForge Bug #7981). This has been fixed. -
Added preliminary support for keyword-style arguments, as described in the "Differences Between FOX and FXRuby" section of the FXRuby User's Guide.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.20 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.4 (November 30, 2006)
A change made in Ruby 1.8.5 for cyclic requires led to a problem that caused the Ruby interpreter to emit a large number of warnings (see RubyForge Bug #5633). This problem has been fixed.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.16 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.3 (October 27, 2006)
Widgets of some classes (namely
) weren’t properly sending a ´SEL_CLOSE´ message to their message targets (see RubyForge Bug #5498). Thanks to a change in FOX version 1.6.16, this problem has been fixed. -
method for theFXComboTableItem
class was coded incorrectly (see RubyForge Bug #5906). This has been fixed. -
There was a minor typo in the API documentation for the
class (see RubyForge Bug #5962). This has been fixed. -
iterator methods for theFXTable
class were incorrectly coded (see RubyForge Bug #6036). This has been fixed. -
class methods forFXColorItem
were all raising exceptions when a non-´nil´ value was passed in for the last argument (see RubyForge Bug #6197). A similar problem was present for various instance methods in theFXColorList
classes. These problems have been fixed. -
A few problems were discovered for the
example program (see RubyForge Bug #6209). These problems have been fixed. -
Several instance methods for the
class were not actually present under their documented names (see RubyForge Bug #6211). This has been fixed. -
The build script was not compatible with changes made in the recently-released FXScintilla 1.71 (see RubyForge Bug #6313). This has been fixed.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.16 and FXScintilla version 1.71.
Changes For Version 1.6.2 (September 13, 2006)
methods for theFXFoldingList
class were incorrectly identified asexpandFolding()
in the API documentation (see RubyForge Bug #5354). This has been fixed. -
class was not supported (see RubyForge Bug #5632). This has been fixed. -
The API documentation for the
class claimed it had ashared?
method, but it didn't (see RubyForge Bug #5591). Now it does. -
class was not supported (see RubyForge Bug #5746). This has been fixed. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.14 and FXScintilla version 1.67 (from CVS).
Changes For Version 1.4.7 (September 13, 2006)
instance method for theFXWindow
class always returned an array ofFXWindow
instances, even if the actual types should have been instances of subclasses ofFXWindow
(see RubyForge Bug #4342). This has been fixed. -
example program was broken due to a change in the Dilbert.com web site structure (see RubyForge Bug #4597). This has been fixed. -
methods for theFXFoldingList
class were incorrectly identified asexpandFolding()
in the API documentation (see RubyForge Bug #5354). This has been fixed. -
class was not supported (see RubyForge Bug #5632). This has been fixed. -
The API documentation for the
class claimed it had ashared?
method, but it didn't (see RubyForge Bug #5591). Now it does. -
class was not supported (see RubyForge Bug #5746). This has been fixed. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.34 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.6.1 (July 21, 2006)
The message data sent along for the ´SEL_INSERTED´, ´SEL_DELETED´ and ´SEL_REPLACED´ messages from an a
widget to its target was not being converted properly (see RubyForge Bug #4666). This has been fixed. -
The code related to the localization of application messages in FOX wasn't implemented properly in FXRuby, and as a result, constructing certain dialogs (like the color dialog) could cause a program to crash (see RubyForge Bug #5000). This has been fixed.
The "Stop Spin" button in the gltest.rb example program didn't stop the cubes from spinning after either the "Spin Timer" or "Spin Chore" option was selected (see RubyForge Bug #5001). This was actually a symptom of a larger problem, that FXRuby wasn't properly handling timers and chores. These problems have been fixed.
Setting the current item for an
to -1 (to indicate that there's no current item) would cause FXRuby to erroneously raise anIndexError
(see RubyForge Bug #5007). This has been fixed. -
The documentation for the
instance method for theFXWindow
class was incorrect (see RubyForge Bug #5035). This has been fixed. -
example program was not up to date with some of the changes for FOX 1.6. This example has been updated. -
The new
method for theFXFont
class was not documented. This has been fixed. -
example program has been modified to use the RubyfulSoup HTML library instead of the html-parser library. -
As discussed in various forums (see for example this post, the
directive for RubyGems specifications is now deprecated. As a result, this has been removed from the FXRuby gem specification. This change will break any code that was using a statement like:´require_gem ‘fxruby’´as the sole means for loading FXRuby. Such programs should instead use:´require ‘fox16’´which will work for either gem based or non-gem based installations. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.8 and FXScintilla version 1.67 (from CVS).
Changes For Version 1.6.0 (May 29, 2006)
This is the first release of FXRuby compatible with FOX version 1.6. One of the most signficant changes for FOX 1.6 has been the addition of Unicode support; all FOX widgets and internal string processing routines are now Unicode aware. For a comprehensive overview of the changes made to FOX since version 1.4 (including those made in the FOX 1.5 development series), please refer to the News archives at the FOX web site.
Added the
methods for theFXDockBar
class, as complements to theallowedSides
accessor methods (see RubyForge Feature Request #2307). -
Added the
accessor methods for theFXWindow
class, as complements to theshow
methods (see RubyForge Feature Request #3579). -
example was making use of a deprecated API (see RubyForge Bug #4325). This has been fixed. -
instance method for theFXWindow
class always returned an array ofFXWindow
instances, even if the actual types should have been instances of subclasses ofFXWindow
(see RubyForge Bug #4342). This has been fixed. -
example program was broken due to a change in the Dilbert.com web site structure (see RubyForge Bug #4597). This has been fixed. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.6.5 and FXScintilla version 1.67 (from CVS).
Changes For Version 1.4.6 (April 26, 2006)
FXRuby would not compile properly on some x86-64 systems (see RubyForge Bug #3729). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Javier Goizueta for initially reporting this problem, and especially to Tobias Peters for providing a patch.
widget was accidentally "lost" in the transition between FXRuby versions 1.2 and 1.4 (see RubyForge Bug #4117). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Manfred Usselmann for reporting this problem. -
widget was not sending the appropriate message data to its message target for the ´SEL_COMMAND´ message type (see RubyForge Bug #4157). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Manfred Usselmann for reporting this problem. -
class wasn't implemented properly (see RubyForge Bug #4158). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Gerard Menochet for reporting this problem. -
method was implemented incorrectly for theFXComboBox
classes (see RubyForge Bug #4172). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Gerard Menochet for reporting this problem. -
widget was not sending the appropriate message data to its message target for the ´SEL_COMMAND´ message type (see RubyForge Bug #4255). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Gerard Menochet for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.29 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.5 (April 10, 2006)
class was not properly responding to the ´ID_INSERT_STRING´ command (see RubyForge Bug #3320). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Uwe Hartl for reporting this problem. -
methods for theFXMenuCaption
class were returning ´nil´ instead of the actual value (see RubyForge Bug #3458). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis (Henon) for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
class erroneously listed ´SEL_CLOSEALL´ as one of the message types that an MDI child window might send to its message target (see RubyForge Bug #3508). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis (Henon) for reporting this problem. -
Calling the
method for classFXTable
would cause a fatal error instead of merely raising anIndexError
exception (see RubyForge Bug #3615). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis (Henon) for reporting this problem. -
Due to an error in the SWIG interface files, the
class was basically unusable (see RubyForge Bug #3676). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Uwe Hartl for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
classes erroneously claimed that the message data for the ´SEL_COMMAND´ and ´SEL_CHANGED´ messages sent by these widgets to their targets were integers (see RubyForge Bug #3749). Along the same lines, the message data for those widgets wasn’t being converted correctly (see RubyForge Bug #3750). Both of these errors have been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis (Henon) for reporting these problems. -
The API documentation for the Fox module incorrectly listed the names of the
methods asSELTYPE
(see RubyForge Bug #3940). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for reporting this problem. -
constructor was supposed to (optionally) accept a reference to an arbitrary Ruby object as its third argument, but this wasn't working properly (see RubyForge Bug #4005). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Mark Volkman for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.29 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.4 (January 21, 2006)
The build instructions for Unix platforms had not been updated recently and as such contained some errors (see RubyForge Bug #3014). These errors have been corrected. Thanks to Dave Burns for reporting this problem.
method for theFXTable
class was raising an exception if an out of bounds row or column index was passed in (see RubyForge Bug #3050). This has been changed so thatextendSelection
instead returns false for out of bounds arguments. Thanks to Leonid Moiseichuk for reporting this problem. -
iterator method for theFXWindow
class would fail if the child window was destroyed in the block (see RubyForge Bug #3134). Thanks to Liam Irish for reporting this problem and providing a patch. -
The message data for the ´SEL_REPLACED´ message sent by the
class to its target was not being handled properly (see RubyForge Bug #3244). There were also problems with the message data for the ´SEL_SELECTED´ and ´SEL_DESELECTED´ messages. Furthermore, the ´SEL_REPLACED´ message was not documented in the RDoc documentation for theFXTable
class. All of these problems have been corrected. Thanks to _blackdog for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.29 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.3 (November 7, 2005)
class was not documented (see RubyForge Bug #2286). This oversight has been corrected. Thanks to Tim Smith for reporting this problem. -
library file was not up to date with the latest FXScintilla release, and as a result it was missing some methods (see RubyForge Bug #2479). This oversight has been corrected. Thanks to Maxim Kulkin for reporting this problem. -
Due to changes in the APIs for timers and chores, the mechanisms for removing chores and timeouts were broken (see RubyForge Bug #2563). This bug has been fixed. Thanks to "moinker" for reporting this problem.
An error in the test setup caused all of the tests for the
class to fail (see RubyForge Bug #2564). This bug has been fixed. Thanks to Peter for reporting this problem. -
Due to a bug in the test suite runner script, not all test cases were being exercised (see RubyForge Bug #2565). This bug has been fixed.
Calling the
method for theFXImage
class when the client-side pixel buffer for the image has already been released would cause a program to crash (see RubyForge Bug #2611). Now,getPixel
will raise an exception if it's called after the pixel buffer has been released. The documentation forgetPixel
has been updated accordingly. Thanks to Gonzalo Garramuno for reporting this problem. -
method for theFXTable
class was raising an exception when passed out-of-bounds values for the row or column index (see RubyForge Bug #2660). This could happen, for example, if you were to click in a table area outside of the regular cells (which indirectly triggers a call tomakePositionVisible
). This was actually inconsistent with standard FOX behavior, which simply ignores out of bounds values for that method's arguments. This bug has been fixed, and the documentation formakePositionVisible
has been updated accordingly. Thanks to Ralf Jonas for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.21 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.2 (August 22, 2005)
Due to a bug in the implementation, the
method for theFXCheckButton
class always returned ´false´ (see RubyForge Bug #1852). This bug has been fixed. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
class listed several obsolete attributes (see RubyForge Bug #1928). Those errors have been corrected. Thanks to Pavel Sokolov for reporting these problems. -
There were a number of bugs in the
example program (see RubyForge Bug #1979), and those bugs have been fixed. Thanks to Claude Marinier for reporting these problems. -
The API documentation for the
method still showed the number of visible items (´nvis´) as its second argument (see RubyForge Bug #2171). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Bill Atkins for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
class had a number of errors (see RubyForge Bug #2269). This problem has been corrected. -
The API documentation for the
class still listed the obsoletereparentItem
method (see RubyForge Bug #2270). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Jacob Hansen for reporting this problem. -
Due to a bug in how the SWIG typemaps for the ´FXlong´ type were defined, some methods for the
class were broken (see RubyForge Bug #2275). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Gonzalo Garramuno for reporting this problem. -
Merged in all of the fixes for FXRuby 1.2.6.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.17 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.1 (August 20, 2005)
This is the second release of FXRuby which is compatible with FOX 1.4, and as such should be considered an "unstable" release. For a history of the changes made during the FOX 1.3 and 1.4 development, see the News page at the FOX Web site.
The unit tests (in the
subdirectory) had not been updated to require the ´fox14´ feature, and were still looking at ´fox12´. This has been corrected. -
A number of minor problems were corrected for the Windows build of FXRuby.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.4.17 and FXScintilla version 1.63.
Changes For Version 1.4.0 (August 19, 2005)
This is the first release of FXRuby which is compatible with FOX 1.4, and as such should be considered an “unstable” release. For a history of the changes made during the FOX 1.3 and 1.4 development, see the News page at the FOX Web site.
Changes For Version 1.2.6 (April 15, 2005)
Some additional problems related to calling the
method for anFXTable
were discovered (see RubyForge Bug #1597). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for reporting this problem. -
example program had a "Sort" pulldown menu filled with a number of commands that didn't really do anything, including sorting the items (see RubyForge Bug #1654). This pulldown menu has been removed from that example. -
The API documentation for the
class erroneously referred to thefont
attribute astextFont
(see RubyForge Bug #1667). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for reporting this problem. -
methods for theFXMenuCheck
class were missing (see RubyForge Bug #1677). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Oliver Smith for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
class incorrectly spelled the names of thehorizontalScrollBar
methods ashorizontalScrollbar
(see RubyForge Bug #1678). The documentation has been corrected. Thanks to Jannis Pohlmann for reporting this mistake. -
Some code in the
example program was calling thegetRootWindow
method, but that method has been renamed togetRoot
(see RubyForge Bug #1692). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Jaroslav Stika for reporting this problem. -
method for theFXFont
class was spelled without a trailing question mark, but it seems more Ruby-like that it should, so we've added an alias for that (see RubyForge Bug #1714). This method also now accepts a string of size 1 (i.e. a single character) as its input, as an alternative to an ordinal value. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for these suggestions. -
The API documentation for the
class mistakenly listed ´IMAGE_ALPHA´ as a valid image rendering hint, but this flag is no longer needed since FOX images now always contain an alpha channel (see RubyForge Bug #1715). The documentation has been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for reporting this mistake. -
Due to an error in the SWIG interface files, the
method for theFXSettings
class was not being wrapped properly. As a result, this method was unavailable and in turn led to other dependent methods (likeeach_section
) to be unavailable as well (see RubyForge Bug #1771). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Jannis Pohlmann for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.16 and FXScintilla version 1.62.
Changes For Version 1.2.5 (March 1, 2005)
The change made for FXRuby version 1.2.4 regarding garbage collection for table items corrected only one of the problems described in RubyForge Bug #1445; There was still a problem related to the "destructive" effects of the
method for theFXTable
class. This problem has now been corrected as well. Thanks to David Peoples, Jamey Cribbs and Joel VanderWerf for their assistance in helping me to track down this problem. -
methods for theFXTable
class were implemented incorrectly and weren't listed in the API documentation. These problems have been corrected. -
The checks for out-of-bounds indices in the
methods for theFXTable
class were incorrect. These have been fixed. -
method for theFXTable
class now raisesArgError
if either the number of rows or columns passed in as arguments is less than zero. -
A typo in one of the source files was causing the build to fail when compiled against Ruby versions 1.8.1 or earlier (see RubyForge Bug #1551). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Alex McGuire for reporting this problem.
method for theFXTable
class was removed in FOX 1.2, so we've added a convenience method for this that just calls theselectRange
method under the hood (see RubyForge Bug #1562). Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for this suggestion. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.13 and FXScintilla version 1.62.
Changes For Version 1.2.4 (February 23, 2005)
Due to a change in some of the internal Ruby C APIs, a compile-time error for FXRuby was introduced in some of the Ruby 1.8.2 preview releases (see RubyForge Bug #1039). One should not see any compile-time errors when compiling FXRuby (versions 1.2.3 or later) against the Ruby 1.8.2 final release, but I've neverthless made a change to how those internal APIs are used, to avoid any potential problems. Thanks to the many users who pointed out this problem.
Joel VanderWerf suggested some enhancements to the
example program in order to improve its startup time (see RubyForge Bug #1281). Those changes have been incorporated. Thanks to Joel for this suggestion. -
One change for the
class between FOX versions 1.0 and 1.2 is the nature of the pixel buffer that’s passed to theFXImage
constructor. Previously, this pixel buffer was expected to be a string of bytes; now it’s expected to be an array of ´FXColor´ values. This modification was not implemented correctly for FXRuby versions 1.2.3 and earlier (see RubyForge Bug #1427). This bug has been corrected, and the example program (image.rb
) and test cases have been updated as well. Thanks to Oliver Smith and others for reporting this problem. -
A couple of different problems, reported by Patrick Fernie and David Peoples, exposed a flaw in how FXRuby manages the links between FOX objects and their Ruby peers when the FOX objects are destroyed (see RubyForge Bug #1445). Without going into all the gory details, let's just say that since we have no explicit control over when Ruby's garbage collector decides to "collect" those Ruby peers that point to C++ objects that have been destroyed, we need to take steps to neutralize those Ruby peer objects so that they can't cause your application to crash in the meantime; I've implemented a fix to take care of this situation. Thanks to Patrick and David for reporting these problems.
The API documentation for FXRuby 1.2 still contained references to the old "spellings" of the
method names, which were all lowercase (i.e.fxparseaccel
). (see RubyForge Bug #1470). These errors have been corrected. -
Added the
method, which returns a reference to the scroll corner for any window derived fromFXScrollArea
(see RubyForge Feature Request #1226). Thanks to Brian Sheehan for this suggestion. -
Added the
method, which is just an alias for thedata
accessor method that returns a copy of the data buffer as an array (see RubyForge Feature Request #1295). Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for this suggestion. -
Added the
methods to theFXTable
class (see RubyForge Feature Request #1295). Thanks to Brett Hallett for this suggestion. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.13 and FXScintilla version 1.62.
Changes For Version 1.2.3 (January 22, 2005)
Since group boxes containing radio buttons no longer enforce the radio behavior of radio buttons (i.e. keeping only one radio button selected at a time), some of the example programs were no longer working as desired (see RubyForge Bug #751 and RubyForge Bug #1280). This problem has been corrected. Thanks to Yuri Leikind and Barry DeZonia for reporting this problem.
Bob Sidebotham reported a little typo in the
example program (see RubyForge Bug #990). This has been corrected. -
The API documentation for
did not reflect the changes for FOX 1.2; theretrieveItem()
has been renamed togetItem()
has been renamed tosetItem()
(see RubyForge Bug #1037 and RubyForge Bug #1257). This has been corrected. Thanks to Remy Drouilhet and Stephan Kamper for reporting this problem. -
The Windows installer was missing some of the documentation files (see RubyForge Bug #1139). This has been corrected. Thanks to Curt Hibbs and Mark Smith for reporting this problem.
example program was broken (see RubyForge Bug #1146). This has been corrected. Thanks to Stefan Lang for reporting this problem. -
The attribute setter for
was defined incorrectly (see RubyForge Bug #1276). This has been corrected. Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for reporting this problem (and providing a patch to fix it). -
alias for theFXFileDialog#getFilenames()
instance method was missing (see RubyForge Bug #1277). This error has been corrected. Thanks to Barry DeZonia for reporting this problem. -
The API documentation for the
class methodsgetOpenFilenames()
was extremely inadequate (see RubyForge Bug #1279). This documentation has been improved. Thanks to Barry DeZonia for reporting this problem. -
Brett Hallett contributed a Ruby port of the "ratio" example program from the regular FOX distribution, for demonstrating the use of the new
layout manager (see RubyForge Bug #1282). Many thanks to Brett for this addition! -
Joel VanderWerf contributed code to simplify how programs interact with modal and non-modal dialog boxes (see RubyForge Bug #1283). See the API documentation for the new
methods for examples of their use. -
The attribute setters for
were defined incorrectly (see RubyForge Bug #1297). These have been corrected. Thanks to Meinrad Recheis for reporting this problem. -
attribute reader for theFXApp
class was missing (see RubyForge Patch #1306). Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for reporting this omission and providing a patch to fix it. -
The API documentation for the
class was missing (see RubyForge Bug #1322). Thanks to Joel VanderWerf for reporting this omission. -
The attribute accessors for
were defined and documented incorrectly (see RubyForge Bug #1325). These have been corrected. Thanks to Karl El-Koura for reporting this problem. -
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.13 and FXScintilla version 1.62.
Changes For Version 1.2.2 (October 1, 2004)
In order to avoid versioning problems when dealing with a mix of applications based on either FXRuby 1.0 or 1.2, the feature name for FXRuby has been changed from “fox” to “fox12”. For most application developers, this means that you will need to modify the source code for applications targeted at FXRuby 1.2 to begin with the line ´require ‘fox12’´Note that no changes should be required for legacy applications targeted at FXRuby 1.0.
Made a number of updates to the documentation, to reflect API changes for FXRuby 1.2.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.9 and FXScintilla version 1.61.
Changes For Version 1.2a2 (July 10, 2004)
This is the second "alpha" release of FXRuby 1.2. This release should be compatible with any FOX library version 1.2; it is not compatible with any previous FOX library versions. As this is an alpha release, users should expect a certain amount of instability, bugs, etc.
For this release, all of the FOX 1.2 classes are available with the exception of the
class. There is a small problem with how theFXBitmapView
class is declared in the FOX 1.2 header files, and I'm trying to decide how best to resolve that problem. The goal is to have this problem resolved by the next alpha release of FXRuby. -
For this release, all of the RDoc-based online documentation has been brought up to date with the new APIs.
Portions of the FXRuby User's Guide were still out of date with respect to the new APIs (see SourceForge Bug #988623). This has been fixed.
example program was not up to date with the new APIs. This has been fixed. -
example program was not up to date with the new APIs (see SourceForge Bug #986479). This has been fixed. Thanks to Remy Drouilhet for reporting this problem and suggesting the fixes. -
method was defined incorrectly (see SourceForge Bug #986476). This has been fixed. Thanks to Remy Drouilhet for reporting this problem and suggesting the fix. -
example program was not up to date with the new APIs (see SourceForge Bug #986172). This has been fixed. Thanks to Peter Watkins for reporting this problem and submitting a corrected version of the program. -
There was a small typo in the table.rb example program (see SourceForge Bug #988152). This has been fixed. Thanks to Jamey Cribbs for reporting this problem and suggesting the fix.
Due to an oversight on my part, one of the overloaded constructors for the
class wasn't wrapped properly (see SourceForge Bug #986181). This has been fixed. Thanks to Bil Bas for reporting this problem. -
Removed some obsolete aliases for the old leading and trailing rows and columns for the
class (see SourceForge Bug #988038). Thanks to Yuri Leikind for reporting this problem. -
instance methodshorizontalGridShown=()
to complement the already availablehorizontalGridShown?
methods. -
The binary gem for the 1.2a1 release on Windows didn't have PNG or JPEG image support built-in (see SourceForge Bug #986180). This has been fixed. Thanks to Bil Bas for reporting this problem.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.7 and FXScintilla version 1.61.
Changes For Version 1.2a1 (June 28, 2004)
This is the first "alpha" release of FXRuby 1.2. This release should be compatible with any FOX library version 1.2; it is not compatible with any previous FOX library versions. As this is an alpha release, users should expect a certain amount of instability, bugs, etc. The intent of this first alpha release is twofold. The primary intent is allow application developers who have current projects based on FXRuby 1.0 to begin the process of updating their applications for compatibility with FXRuby 1.2. For this release, all of the classes that existed in FXRuby 1.0 have been updated for compatibility with FOX 1.2, and so developers should at least be able to begin to "port" their applications forward now. Note that there have been a number of changes for FOX 1.2 and FXRuby 1.2, both in terms of API changes and less obvious "behavioral" changes. For a detailed summary of these changes, please see "What's New in FOX 1.2" (also available as a PDF). Note that few, if any, of the new classes introduced in FOX 1.2 are available in this first alpha release of FXRuby 1.2. Support for those new classes should come along quickly in subsequent alpha releases of FXRuby 1.2. The secondary intent of this first alpha release is to introduce the new RubyGems-based packaging of FXRuby and to begin to work out the inevitable kinks in that system.
The binary gem for Windows was built with FOX version 1.2.4 and FXScintilla version 1.57.