Class: Fox::FXTreeListBox
- Inherits:
- Object
- FXObject
- FXId
- FXDrawable
- FXWindow
- FXComposite
- FXPacker
- Fox::FXTreeListBox
- Includes:
- Enumerable
- Defined in:
- rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb,
lib/fox16/iterators.rb more...
The Tree List Box behaves very much like a List Box, except that it supports a hierarchical, tree structured display of the items. When an item is selected it issues a SEL_COMMAND
message with the pointer to the item. While manipulating the tree list, it may send SEL_CHANGED
messages to indicate which item the cursor is hovering over.
The following messages are sent by FXTreeListBox to its target:
sent when the current list item changes; the message data is a reference to the new tree item.
sent when the current list item changes; the message data is a reference to the new tree item.
Tree list box styles
Normal style
Message identifiers
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#currentItem ⇒ Object
Current item, if any FXTreeItem.
#firstItem ⇒ Object
First root-level item FXTreeItem.
#font ⇒ Object
Text font FXFont.
#helpText ⇒ Object
Status line help text for this tree list box [String].
#lastItem ⇒ Object
Last root-level item FXTreeItem.
#listStyle ⇒ Object
Tree list box style.
#numItems ⇒ Object
Number of items [Integer].
#numVisible ⇒ Object
Number of visible items [Integer].
#tipText ⇒ Object
Tool tip text for this tree list box [String].
Attributes inherited from FXPacker
#baseColor, #borderColor, #borderWidth, #frameStyle, #hSpacing, #hiliteColor, #packingHints, #padBottom, #padLeft, #padRight, #padTop, #shadowColor, #vSpacing
Attributes inherited from FXWindow
#accelTable, #backColor, #defaultCursor, #dragCursor, #focus, #key, #last, #layoutHints, #next, #numChildren, #owner, #parent, #prev, #root, #selector, #shell, #target, #x, #y
Attributes inherited from FXDrawable
Attributes inherited from FXId
Instance Method Summary collapse
#addItemAfter(other, *args) ⇒ Object
#addItemBefore(other, *args) ⇒ Object
#addItemFirst(*args) ⇒ Object
#addItemLast(*args) ⇒ Object
#appendItem(father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Append item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer as last child of father.
#clearItems(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove all items from the list.
#each ⇒ Object
Calls block once for each root-level tree item, passing a reference to that item as a parameter.
#extractItem(item) ⇒ Object
Extract item from list and return a reference to the item.
#fillItems(father, strings, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil) ⇒ Object
Fill tree list box by appending items from array of strings and return the number of items added.
#findItem(text, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by text, beginning from item start.
#findItemByData(data, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by associated user data, beginning from item start.
#first ⇒ Object
Override Enumerable#first with FXWindow#first for backwards compatibility.
#getItemClosedIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s closed icon.
#getItemData(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s user data.
#getItemOpenIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s open icon.
#getItemText(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s text.
#initialize(p, target = nil, selector = 0, opts = FRAME_SUNKEN|FRAME_THICK|TREELISTBOX_NORMAL, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, padLeft = DEFAULT_PAD, padRight = DEFAULT_PAD, padTop = DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom = DEFAULT_PAD) ⇒ FXTreeListBox
Return an initially empty FXTreeListBox.
#insertItem(other, father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Insert item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer under father before other item.
#itemCurrent?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is current. -
#itemLeaf?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is a leaf-item, i.e. -
#moveItem(other, father, item) ⇒ Object
Move item under father before other item and return a reference to item.
#paneShown? ⇒ Boolean
if the pane is shown. -
#prependItem(father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Prepend item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer as first child of father.
#removeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove item.
#removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove items in range [fromItem, toItem] inclusively.
#setCurrentItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Change current item.
#setItemClosedIcon(item, closedIcon) ⇒ Object
Change item’s closed icon.
#setItemData(item, data) ⇒ Object
Change item’s user data.
#setItemOpenIcon(item, openIcon) ⇒ Object
Change item’s open icon.
#setItemText(item, text) ⇒ Object
Change item’s text.
#sortChildItems(item) ⇒ Object
Sort children of item.
#sortItems ⇒ Object
Sort all items recursively.
#sortRootItems ⇒ Object
Sort root items.
Methods inherited from FXComposite
#maxChildHeight, #maxChildWidth
Methods inherited from FXWindow
#acceptDrop, #acquireClipboard, #acquireSelection, #active?, #addHotKey, after?, #after?, before?, #before?, #beginDrag, #canFocus?, #changeFocus, #childAtIndex, #childOf?, #children, #clearDragRectangle, #clearShape, colorType, colorTypeName, commonAncestor, #composeContext, #composite?, #contains?, #containsChild?, #create, #createComposeContext, #cursorPosition, #default?, #defaultHeight, #defaultWidth, deleteType, deleteTypeName, #destroy, #destroyComposeContext, #detach, #didAccept, #disable, #doesSaveUnder?, #dragging?, #dropDisable, #dropEnable, #dropEnabled?, #dropFinished, #dropTarget?, #each_child, #each_child_recursive, #enable, #enabled?, #endDrag, #forceRefresh, #getChildAt, #getDNDData, #getHeightForWidth, #getWidthForHeight, #grab, #grabKeyboard, #grabbed?, #grabbedKeyboard?, #handleDrag, #hasClipboard?, #hasFocus?, #hasSelection?, #height, #height=, #hide, imageType, #inFocusChain?, #indexOfChild, #initial?, #inquireDNDAction, #inquireDNDTypes, #killFocus, #layout, #linkAfter, #linkBefore, #lower, #move, octetType, octetTypeName, #offeredDNDType?, #position, #raiseWindow, #recalc, #releaseClipboard, #releaseSelection, #remHotKey, #removeChild, #repaint, #reparent, #resize, #scroll, #setCursorPosition, #setDNDData, #setDefault, #setDragRectangle, #setFocus, #setInitial, #setShape, #shell?, #show, #shown?, stringType, textType, textTypeName, #tr, #translateCoordinatesFrom, #translateCoordinatesTo, #underCursor?, #ungrab, #ungrabKeyboard, #update, urilistType, urilistTypeName, utf16Type, utf16TypeName, utf8Type, utf8TypeName, #visible=, #width, #width=
Methods included from Responder2
Methods inherited from FXDrawable
Methods inherited from FXId
#create, #created?, #destroy, #detach, #runOnUiThread
Methods inherited from FXObject
#bind, #handle, #load, #save, subclasses
Constructor Details
#initialize(p, target = nil, selector = 0, opts = FRAME_SUNKEN|FRAME_THICK|TREELISTBOX_NORMAL, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, padLeft = DEFAULT_PAD, padRight = DEFAULT_PAD, padTop = DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom = DEFAULT_PAD) ⇒ FXTreeListBox
Return an initially empty FXTreeListBox.
the parent window for this tree list box Fox::FXComposite
the message target, if any, for this tree list box Fox::FXObject
the message identifier for this tree list box [Integer]
tree list options [Integer]
initial x-position [Integer]
initial y-position [Integer]
initial width [Integer]
initial height [Integer]
internal padding on the left side, in pixels [Integer]
internal padding on the right side, in pixels [Integer]
internal padding on the top side, in pixels [Integer]
internal padding on the bottom side, in pixels [Integer]
74 75 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 74 def initialize(p, target=nil, selector=0, opts=FRAME_SUNKEN|FRAME_THICK|TREELISTBOX_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=DEFAULT_PAD, padRight=DEFAULT_PAD, padTop=DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom=DEFAULT_PAD) # :yields: theTreeListBox end |
Instance Attribute Details
#currentItem ⇒ Object
Current item, if any Fox::FXTreeItem
42 43 44 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 42 def currentItem @currentItem end |
#firstItem ⇒ Object (readonly)
First root-level item Fox::FXTreeItem
36 37 38 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 36 def firstItem @firstItem end |
#font ⇒ Object
Text font Fox::FXFont
45 46 47 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 45 def font @font end |
#helpText ⇒ Object
Status line help text for this tree list box [String]
51 52 53 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 51 def helpText @helpText end |
#lastItem ⇒ Object (readonly)
Last root-level item Fox::FXTreeItem
39 40 41 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 39 def lastItem @lastItem end |
#listStyle ⇒ Object
Tree list box style
48 49 50 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 48 def listStyle @listStyle end |
#numItems ⇒ Object (readonly)
Number of items [Integer]
30 31 32 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 30 def numItems @numItems end |
#numVisible ⇒ Object
Number of visible items [Integer]
33 34 35 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 33 def numVisible @numVisible end |
#tipText ⇒ Object
Tool tip text for this tree list box [String]
54 55 56 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 54 def tipText @tipText end |
Instance Method Details
#addItemAfter(other, *args) ⇒ Object
67 68 69 70 |
# File 'lib/fox16/core.rb', line 67 def addItemAfter(other, *args) # :nodoc: warn "addItemAfter() is deprecated; use insertItem() instead" insertItem(, other.parent, *args) end |
#addItemBefore(other, *args) ⇒ Object
71 72 73 74 |
# File 'lib/fox16/core.rb', line 71 def addItemBefore(other, *args) # :nodoc: warn "addItemBefore() is deprecated; use insertItem() instead" insertItem(other, other.parent, *args) end |
#addItemFirst(*args) ⇒ Object
59 60 61 62 |
# File 'lib/fox16/core.rb', line 59 def addItemFirst(*args) # :nodoc: warn "addItemFirst() is deprecated; use prependItem() instead" prependItem(*args) end |
#addItemLast(*args) ⇒ Object
63 64 65 66 |
# File 'lib/fox16/core.rb', line 63 def addItemLast(*args) # :nodoc: warn "addItemLast() is deprecated; use appendItem() instead" appendItem(*args) end |
#appendItem(father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Append item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer as last child of father. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXTreeItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
101 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 101 def appendItem(father, item, notify=false); end |
#clearItems(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove all items from the list. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before each item is removed.
134 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 134 def clearItems(notify=false); end |
#each ⇒ Object
Calls block once for each root-level tree item, passing a reference to that item as a parameter.
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/fox16/iterators.rb', line 253 def each # :yields: aTreeItem current = firstItem while current != nil next_current = yield current current = next_current end self end |
#extractItem(item) ⇒ Object
Extract item from list and return a reference to the item.
145 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 145 def extractItem(item); end |
#fillItems(father, strings, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil) ⇒ Object
Fill tree list box by appending items from array of strings and return the number of items added. If notify is true
message is sent to the list box’s message target after each item is added.
83 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 83 def fillItems(father, strings, oi=nil, ci=nil, ptr=nil); end |
#findItem(text, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by text, beginning from item start. If the start item is nil
the search will start at the first, top-most item in the list. Flags may be SEARCH_FORWARD
to control the search direction; this can be combined with SEARCH_NOWRAP
to control whether the search wraps at the start or end of the list. The option SEARCH_IGNORECASE
causes a case-insensitive match. Finally, passing SEARCH_PREFIX
causes searching for a prefix of the item text. Return nil
if no matching item is found.
157 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 157 def findItem(text, start=nil, flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP); end |
#findItemByData(data, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by associated user data, beginning from item start. If the start item is nil
the search will start at the first, top-most item in the list. Flags may be SEARCH_FORWARD
to control the search direction; this can be combined with SEARCH_NOWRAP
to control whether the search wraps at the start or end of the list. Return nil
if no matching item is found.
167 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 167 def findItemByData(data, start=nil, flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP); end |
#first ⇒ Object
Override Enumerable#first with FXWindow#first for backwards compatibility.
245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/fox16/iterators.rb', line 245 def first getFirst end |
#getItemClosedIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s closed icon
207 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 207 def getItemClosedIcon(item); end |
#getItemData(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s user data
213 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 213 def getItemData(item); end |
#getItemOpenIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s open icon
201 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 201 def getItemOpenIcon(item); end |
#getItemText(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s text
195 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 195 def getItemText(item); end |
#insertItem(other, father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Insert item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer under father before other item. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXTreeItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
89 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 89 def insertItem(other, father, item, notify=false); end |
#itemCurrent?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is current
170 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 170 def itemCurrent?(item); end |
#itemLeaf?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is a leaf-item, i.e. has no children
173 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 173 def itemLeaf?(item); end |
#moveItem(other, father, item) ⇒ Object
Move item under father before other item and return a reference to item.
140 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 140 def moveItem(other, father, item); end |
#paneShown? ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if the pane is shown.
216 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 216 def paneShown?; end |
#prependItem(father, text, openIcon = nil, closedIcon = nil, data = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Prepend item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer as first child of father. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXTreeItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
113 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 113 def prependItem(father, item, notify=false); end |
#removeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before the item is removed.
124 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 124 def removeItem(item, notify=false); end |
#removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove items in range [fromItem, toItem] inclusively. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before each item is removed.
129 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 129 def removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify=false); end |
#setCurrentItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Change current item. If notify is true
, a SEL_CHANGED message is sent to the tree list box’s message target.
189 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 189 def setCurrentItem(item, notify=false); end |
#setItemClosedIcon(item, closedIcon) ⇒ Object
Change item’s closed icon
204 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 204 def setItemClosedIcon(item, closedIcon); end |
#setItemData(item, data) ⇒ Object
Change item’s user data
210 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 210 def setItemData(item, data); end |
#setItemOpenIcon(item, openIcon) ⇒ Object
Change item’s open icon
198 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 198 def setItemOpenIcon(item, openIcon); end |
#setItemText(item, text) ⇒ Object
Change item’s text
192 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 192 def setItemText(item, text); end |
#sortChildItems(item) ⇒ Object
Sort children of item
182 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 182 def sortChildItems(item); end |
#sortItems ⇒ Object
Sort all items recursively.
179 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 179 def sortItems(); end |
#sortRootItems ⇒ Object
Sort root items
176 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXTreeListBox.rb', line 176 def sortRootItems(); end |