Class: Fox::FXPicker

FXButton show all
Defined in:


A picker button allows you to identify an arbitrary location on the screen.


The following messages are sent by FXPicker to its target:


sent continuously while the position is changing; the message data is an FXPoint instance indicating the current root window position of the mouse pointer.


sent when the left mouse button is clicked the second time (i.e. to “pick” a position); the message data is an FXPoint instance indicating the picked position in root window coordinates.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from FXButton

#buttonStyle, #state

Attributes inherited from FXLabel

#font, #helpText, #icon, #iconPosition, #justify, #text, #textColor, #tipText

Attributes inherited from FXFrame

#baseColor, #borderColor, #borderWidth, #frameStyle, #hiliteColor, #padBottom, #padLeft, #padRight, #padTop, #shadowColor

Attributes inherited from FXWindow

#accelTable, #backColor, #defaultCursor, #dragCursor, #first, #focus, #key, #last, #layoutHints, #next, #numChildren, #owner, #parent, #prev, #root, #selector, #shell, #target, #x, #y

Attributes inherited from FXDrawable

#height, #visual, #width

Attributes inherited from FXId

#app, #userData, #xid

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from FXLabel


Methods inherited from FXWindow

#acceptDrop, #acquireClipboard, #acquireSelection, #active?, #addHotKey, after?, #after?, before?, #before?, #beginDrag, #canFocus?, #changeFocus, #childAtIndex, #childOf?, #children, #clearDragRectangle, #clearShape, colorType, colorTypeName, commonAncestor, #composeContext, #composite?, #contains?, #containsChild?, #create, #createComposeContext, #cursorPosition, #default?, #defaultHeight, #defaultWidth, deleteType, deleteTypeName, #destroy, #destroyComposeContext, #detach, #didAccept, #disable, #doesSaveUnder?, #dragging?, #dropDisable, #dropEnable, #dropEnabled?, #dropFinished, #dropTarget?, #each_child, #each_child_recursive, #enable, #enabled?, #endDrag, #forceRefresh, #getChildAt, #getDNDData, #getHeightForWidth, #getWidthForHeight, #grab, #grabKeyboard, #grabbed?, #grabbedKeyboard?, #handleDrag, #hasClipboard?, #hasFocus?, #hasSelection?, #height, #height=, #hide, imageType, #inFocusChain?, #indexOfChild, #initial?, #inquireDNDAction, #inquireDNDTypes, #killFocus, #layout, #linkAfter, #linkBefore, #lower, #move, octetType, octetTypeName, #offeredDNDType?, #position, #raiseWindow, #recalc, #releaseClipboard, #releaseSelection, #remHotKey, #removeChild, #repaint, #reparent, #resize, #scroll, #setCursorPosition, #setDNDData, #setDefault, #setDragRectangle, #setFocus, #setInitial, #setShape, #shell?, #show, #shown?, stringType, textType, textTypeName, #tr, #translateCoordinatesFrom, #translateCoordinatesTo, #underCursor?, #ungrab, #ungrabKeyboard, #update, urilistType, urilistTypeName, utf16Type, utf16TypeName, utf8Type, utf8TypeName, #visible=, #width, #width=

Methods included from Responder2


Methods inherited from FXDrawable


Methods inherited from FXId

#create, #created?, #destroy, #detach, #runOnUiThread

Methods inherited from FXObject

#bind, #handle, #load, #save, subclasses

Constructor Details

#initialize(p, text, ic = nil, target = nil, selector = 0, opts = BUTTON_NORMAL, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, padLeft = DEFAULT_PAD, padRight = DEFAULT_PAD, padTop = DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom = DEFAULT_PAD) ⇒ FXPicker


[View source]

# File 'rdoc-sources/FXPicker.rb', line 23

def initialize(p, text, ic=nil, target=nil, selector=0, opts=BUTTON_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, padLeft=DEFAULT_PAD, padRight=DEFAULT_PAD, padTop=DEFAULT_PAD, padBottom=DEFAULT_PAD) # :yields: thePicker