Class: Fox::FXFoldingList
- Inherits:
- Object
- FXObject
- FXId
- FXDrawable
- FXWindow
- FXComposite
- FXScrollArea
- Fox::FXFoldingList
- Includes:
- Enumerable
- Defined in:
- rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb,
lib/fox16/iterators.rb more...
An FXFoldingList widget resembles an FXTreeList, but it supports a header control to provide each item with multiple columns of text. Subtrees can be collapsed or expanded by double-clicking on an item or by clicking on the optional plus button in front of the item. Each item may have a text and optional open-icon as well as a closed-icon. The items may be connected by optional lines to show the hierarchical relationship. When an item’s selected state changes, the folding list emits a SEL_SELECTED
message. If an item is opened or closed, a message of type SEL_OPENED
is sent. When the subtree under an item is expanded, a SEL_EXPANDED
message is issued. A change of the current item is signified by the SEL_CHANGED
message. In addition, the folding list sends SEL_COMMAND
messages when the user clicks on an item, and SEL_CLICKED
when the user clicks once, twice, or thrice, respectively. When items are added or removed, the folding list sends messages of the type SEL_INSERTED
. In each of these cases, a pointer to the item, if any, is passed in the 3rd argument of the message.
The following messages are sent by FXFoldingList to its target:
sent when a key goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when a key goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when the left mouse button goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when the left mouse button goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when the right mouse button goes down; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when the right mouse button goes up; the message data is an FXEvent instance.
sent when a list item is clicked on; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when the left mouse button is single-clicked in the list; the message data is a reference to the item clicked (an FXFoldingItem instance) or
if no item was clicked. SEL_DOUBLECLICKED
sent when the left mouse button is double-clicked in the list; the message data is a reference to the item clicked (an FXFoldingItem instance) or
if no item was clicked. SEL_TRIPLECLICKED
sent when the left mouse button is triple-clicked in the list; the message data is a reference to the item clicked (an FXFoldingItem instance) or
if no item was clicked. SEL_OPENED
sent when an item is opened; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when an item is closed; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when a sub-tree is expanded; the message data is a reference to the root item for the sub-tree (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when a sub-tree is collapsed; the message data is a reference to the root item for the sub-tree (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when an item is selected; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when an item is deselected; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent when the current item changes; the message data is a reference to the current item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent after an item is added to the list; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
sent before an item is removed from the list; the message data is a reference to the item (an FXFoldingItem instance).
Folding list styles
Extended selection mode allows for drag-selection of ranges of items
Single selection mode allows up to one item to be selected
Browse selection mode enforces one single item to be selected at all times
Multiple selection mode is used for selection of individual items
Automatically select under cursor
Lines shown
Boxes to expand shown
Display root boxes also
same as
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#anchorItem ⇒ Object
Anchor item, if any FXFoldingItem.
#currentItem ⇒ Object
Current item, if any FXFoldingItem.
#cursorItem ⇒ Object
Item under the cursor, if any FXFoldingItem.
#firstItem ⇒ Object
First root-level item FXFoldingItem.
#font ⇒ Object
Text font FXFont.
#header ⇒ Object
Header control FXHeader.
#helpText ⇒ Object
Status line help text for this list [String].
#indent ⇒ Object
Parent-child indent amount, in pixels [Integer].
#lastItem ⇒ Object
Last root-level item FXFoldingItem.
#lineColor ⇒ Object
Line color FXColor.
#listStyle ⇒ Object
List style [Integer].
#numHeaders ⇒ Object
Number of header items [Integer].
#numItems ⇒ Object
Number of items [Integer].
#numVisible ⇒ Object
Number of visible items [Integer].
#selBackColor ⇒ Object
Selected text background color FXColor.
#selTextColor ⇒ Object
Selected text color FXColor.
#textColor ⇒ Object
Normal text color FXColor.
Attributes inherited from FXScrollArea
#contentHeight, #contentWidth, #horizontalScrollBar, #scrollStyle, #verticalScrollBar, #viewportHeight, #viewportWidth, #xPosition, #yPosition
Attributes inherited from FXWindow
#accelTable, #backColor, #defaultCursor, #dragCursor, #first, #focus, #key, #last, #layoutHints, #next, #numChildren, #owner, #parent, #prev, #root, #selector, #shell, #target, #x, #y
Attributes inherited from FXDrawable
Attributes inherited from FXId
Instance Method Summary collapse
#appendHeader(text, icon = nil, size = 1) ⇒ Object
Append header with given text and optional icon.
#appendItem(father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Append a new item with given text and optional openIcon, closedIcon and user data as last child of father.
#clearItems(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove all items from the list.
#closeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Close item.
#collapseTree(tree, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Collapse sub-tree rooted at tree.
#deselectItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Deselect item.
#disableItem(item) ⇒ Object
Disable item.
#each ⇒ Object
Calls block once for each root-level folding list item, passing a reference to that item as a parameter.
#enableItem(item) ⇒ Object
Enable item.
#expandTree(tree, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Expand sub-tree rooted at tree.
#extendSelection(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Extend selection from anchor item to item.
#extractItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Extract item and return a reference to it (without destroying it).
#fillItems(father, strings, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Fill list by appending items from array of strings and return the number of items created.
#findItem(text, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by name, beginning from item start.
#findItemByData(ptr, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by associated user data, beginning from item start.
#getHeaderIcon(index) ⇒ Object
Return icon of header at index.
#getHeaderSize(index) ⇒ Object
Return width of header at index.
#getHeaderText(index) ⇒ Object
Return text of header at index.
#getItemClosedIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s closed icon.
#getItemData(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s user data.
#getItemHeight(item) ⇒ Object
Return item height.
#getItemOpenIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s open icon.
#getItemText(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s text.
#getItemWidth(item) ⇒ Object
Return item width.
#hitItem(item, x, y) ⇒ Object
Return item hit code: 0 outside, 1 icon, 2 text, 3 box.
#initialize(p, target = nil, selector = 0, opts = TREELIST_NORMAL, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0) ⇒ FXFoldingList
Return an initialized FXFoldingList instance; the folding list is initially empty.
#insertItem(other, father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Insert item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer under father before other item..
#itemCurrent?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is current. -
#itemEnabled?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is enabled. -
#itemExpanded?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item expanded. -
#itemLeaf?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is a leaf-item, i.e. -
#itemOpened?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item opened. -
#itemSelected?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is selected. -
#itemVisible?(item) ⇒ Boolean
if item is visible. -
#killSelection(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Deselect all items.
#makeItemVisible(item) ⇒ Object
Scroll the list to make item visible.
#moveItem(other, father, item) ⇒ Object
Move item under father before other item.
#openItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Open item.
#prependItem(father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Prepend a new item with given text and optional icons and user data as first child of father.
#removeHeader(index) ⇒ Object
Remove header at index.
#removeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove item.
#removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove items in range [fromItem, toItem] inclusively.
#selectItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Select item.
#setCurrentItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Change current item.
#setHeaderIcon(index, icon) ⇒ Object
Change icon of header at index.
#setHeaders(headers, size = 1) ⇒ Object
Set headers from an array of strings.
#setHeaderSize(index, size) ⇒ Object
Change size of header at index.
#setHeaderText(index, text) ⇒ Object
Change text of header at index.
#setItemClosedIcon(item, icn, owned = false) ⇒ Object
Change item’s closed icon, deleting old icon if it was owned.
#setItemData(item, data) ⇒ Object
Change item’s user data.
#setItemOpenIcon(item, icn, owned = false) ⇒ Object
Change item’s open icon, deleting old icon if it was owned.
#setItemText(item, text) ⇒ Object
Change item’s text.
#sortChildItems(item) ⇒ Object
Sort children of item.
#sortItems ⇒ Object
Sort all items recursively.
#sortRootItems ⇒ Object
Sort root items.
#toggleItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Toggle item selection.
#updateItem(item) ⇒ Object
Repaint item.
Methods inherited from FXScrollArea
#horizontalScrollable?, #position, #scrollCorner, #setPosition, #verticalScrollable?
Methods inherited from FXComposite
#maxChildHeight, #maxChildWidth
Methods inherited from FXWindow
#acceptDrop, #acquireClipboard, #acquireSelection, #active?, #addHotKey, after?, #after?, before?, #before?, #beginDrag, #canFocus?, #changeFocus, #childAtIndex, #childOf?, #children, #clearDragRectangle, #clearShape, colorType, colorTypeName, commonAncestor, #composeContext, #composite?, #contains?, #containsChild?, #create, #createComposeContext, #cursorPosition, #default?, #defaultHeight, #defaultWidth, deleteType, deleteTypeName, #destroy, #destroyComposeContext, #detach, #didAccept, #disable, #doesSaveUnder?, #dragging?, #dropDisable, #dropEnable, #dropEnabled?, #dropFinished, #dropTarget?, #each_child, #each_child_recursive, #enable, #enabled?, #endDrag, #forceRefresh, #getChildAt, #getDNDData, #getHeightForWidth, #getWidthForHeight, #grab, #grabKeyboard, #grabbed?, #grabbedKeyboard?, #handleDrag, #hasClipboard?, #hasFocus?, #hasSelection?, #height, #height=, #hide, imageType, #inFocusChain?, #indexOfChild, #initial?, #inquireDNDAction, #inquireDNDTypes, #killFocus, #layout, #linkAfter, #linkBefore, #lower, #move, octetType, octetTypeName, #offeredDNDType?, #position, #raiseWindow, #recalc, #releaseClipboard, #releaseSelection, #remHotKey, #removeChild, #repaint, #reparent, #resize, #scroll, #setCursorPosition, #setDNDData, #setDefault, #setDragRectangle, #setFocus, #setInitial, #setShape, #shell?, #show, #shown?, stringType, textType, textTypeName, #tr, #translateCoordinatesFrom, #translateCoordinatesTo, #underCursor?, #ungrab, #ungrabKeyboard, #update, urilistType, urilistTypeName, utf16Type, utf16TypeName, utf8Type, utf8TypeName, #visible=, #width, #width=
Methods included from Responder2
Methods inherited from FXDrawable
Methods inherited from FXId
#create, #created?, #destroy, #detach, #runOnUiThread
Methods inherited from FXObject
#bind, #handle, #load, #save, subclasses
Constructor Details
#initialize(p, target = nil, selector = 0, opts = TREELIST_NORMAL, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0) ⇒ FXFoldingList
Return an initialized FXFoldingList instance; the folding list is initially empty.
the parent window for this folding list Fox::FXComposite
the message target, if any, for this folding list Fox::FXObject
the message identifier for this folding list [Integer]
folding list options [Integer]
initial x-position [Integer]
initial y-position [Integer]
initial width [Integer]
initial height [Integer]
256 257 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 256 def initialize(p, target=nil, selector=0, opts=TREELIST_NORMAL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0) # :yields: theFoldingList end |
Instance Attribute Details
#anchorItem ⇒ Object
Anchor item, if any Fox::FXFoldingItem
213 214 215 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 213 def anchorItem @anchorItem end |
#currentItem ⇒ Object
Current item, if any Fox::FXFoldingItem
210 211 212 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 210 def currentItem @currentItem end |
#cursorItem ⇒ Object (readonly)
Item under the cursor, if any Fox::FXFoldingItem
216 217 218 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 216 def cursorItem @cursorItem end |
#firstItem ⇒ Object (readonly)
First root-level item Fox::FXFoldingItem
204 205 206 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 204 def firstItem @firstItem end |
#font ⇒ Object
Text font Fox::FXFont
219 220 221 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 219 def font @font end |
#header ⇒ Object (readonly)
Header control Fox::FXHeader
192 193 194 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 192 def header @header end |
#helpText ⇒ Object
Status line help text for this list [String]
240 241 242 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 240 def helpText @helpText end |
#indent ⇒ Object
Parent-child indent amount, in pixels [Integer]
222 223 224 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 222 def indent @indent end |
#lastItem ⇒ Object (readonly)
Last root-level item Fox::FXFoldingItem
207 208 209 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 207 def lastItem @lastItem end |
#lineColor ⇒ Object
Line color Fox::FXColor
234 235 236 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 234 def lineColor @lineColor end |
#listStyle ⇒ Object
List style [Integer]
237 238 239 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 237 def listStyle @listStyle end |
#numHeaders ⇒ Object (readonly)
Number of header items [Integer]
195 196 197 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 195 def numHeaders @numHeaders end |
#numItems ⇒ Object (readonly)
Number of items [Integer]
198 199 200 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 198 def numItems @numItems end |
#numVisible ⇒ Object
Number of visible items [Integer]
201 202 203 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 201 def numVisible @numVisible end |
#selBackColor ⇒ Object
Selected text background color Fox::FXColor
228 229 230 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 228 def selBackColor @selBackColor end |
#selTextColor ⇒ Object
Selected text color Fox::FXColor
231 232 233 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 231 def selTextColor @selTextColor end |
#textColor ⇒ Object
Normal text color Fox::FXColor
225 226 227 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 225 def textColor @textColor end |
Instance Method Details
#appendHeader(text, icon = nil, size = 1) ⇒ Object
Append header with given text and optional icon
263 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 263 def appendHeader(text, icon=nil, size=1); end |
#appendItem(father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Append a new item with given text and optional openIcon, closedIcon and user data as last child of father. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXFoldingItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
308 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 308 def appendItem(father, item, notify=false); end |
#clearItems(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove all items from the list. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before each item is removed.
356 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 356 def clearItems(notify=false); end |
#closeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Close item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is closed.
467 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 467 def closeItem(item, notify=false); end |
#collapseTree(tree, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Collapse sub-tree rooted at tree. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the sub-tree is collapsed.
472 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 472 def collapseTree(tree, notify=false); end |
#deselectItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Deselect item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is deselected.
452 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 452 def deselectItem(item, notify=false); end |
#disableItem(item) ⇒ Object
Disable item
442 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 442 def disableItem(item); end |
#each ⇒ Object
Calls block once for each root-level folding list item, passing a reference to that item as a parameter.
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/fox16/iterators.rb', line 34 def each # :yields: aFoldingItem current = firstItem while current != nil next_current = yield current current = next_current end self end |
#enableItem(item) ⇒ Object
Enable item
439 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 439 def enableItem(item); end |
#expandTree(tree, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Expand sub-tree rooted at tree. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the sub-tree is expanded.
477 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 477 def (tree, notify=false); end |
#extendSelection(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Extend selection from anchor item to item. If notify is true
, a series of SEL_SELECTED
messages may be sent to the list’s message target, indicating the changes.
487 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 487 def extendSelection(item, notify=false); end |
#extractItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Extract item and return a reference to it (without destroying it). If notify is true
message may be sent to the folding list’s message target if the current item changes. If the selection changes, SEL_SELECTED
messages may also be sent to the message target.
339 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 339 def extractItem(item, notify=false); end |
#fillItems(father, strings, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Fill list by appending items from array of strings and return the number of items created. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after each item is added.
290 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 290 def fillItems(father, strings, oi=nil, ci=nil, ptr=nil, notify=false); end |
#findItem(text, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by name, beginning from item start. If the start item is nil
the search will start at the first, top-most item in the list. Flags may be SEARCH_FORWARD
to control the search direction; this can be combined with SEARCH_NOWRAP
to control whether the search wraps at the start or end of the list. The option SEARCH_IGNORECASE
causes a case-insensitive match. Finally, passing SEARCH_PREFIX
causes searching for a prefix of the item name. Returns nil
if no matching item is found.
372 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 372 def findItem(text, start=nil, flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP); end |
#findItemByData(ptr, start = nil, flags = SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP) ⇒ Object
Search items by associated user data, beginning from item start. If the start item is nil
the search will start at the first, top-most item in the list. Flags may be SEARCH_FORWARD
to control the search direction; this can be combined with SEARCH_NOWRAP
to control whether the search wraps at the start or end of the list. Returns nil
if no matching item is found.
380 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 380 def findItemByData(ptr, start=nil, flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP); end |
#getHeaderIcon(index) ⇒ Object
Return icon of header at index
278 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 278 def getHeaderIcon(index); end |
#getHeaderSize(index) ⇒ Object
Return width of header at index
284 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 284 def getHeaderSize(index); end |
#getHeaderText(index) ⇒ Object
Return text of header at index
272 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 272 def getHeaderText(index); end |
#getItemClosedIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s closed icon
403 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 403 def getItemClosedIcon(item); end |
#getItemData(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s user data
409 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 409 def getItemData(item); end |
#getItemHeight(item) ⇒ Object
Return item height
362 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 362 def getItemHeight(item); end |
#getItemOpenIcon(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s open icon
396 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 396 def getItemOpenIcon(item); end |
#getItemText(item) ⇒ Object
Return item’s text
389 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 389 def getItemText(item); end |
#getItemWidth(item) ⇒ Object
Return item width
359 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 359 def getItemWidth(item); end |
#hitItem(item, x, y) ⇒ Object
Return item hit code: 0 outside, 1 icon, 2 text, 3 box
433 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 433 def hitItem(item, x, y); end |
#insertItem(other, father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Insert item with given text and optional icons, and user-data pointer under father before other item.. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXFoldingItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
296 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 296 def insertItem(other, father, item, notify=false); end |
#itemCurrent?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is current
415 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 415 def itemCurrent?(item); end |
#itemEnabled?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is enabled
430 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 430 def itemEnabled?(item); end |
#itemExpanded?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item expanded
424 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 424 def itemExpanded?(item); end |
#itemLeaf?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is a leaf-item, i.e. has no children
427 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 427 def itemLeaf?(item); end |
#itemOpened?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item opened
421 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 421 def itemOpened?(item); end |
#itemSelected?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is selected
412 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 412 def itemSelected?(item); end |
#itemVisible?(item) ⇒ Boolean
Return true
if item is visible
418 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 418 def itemVisible?(item); end |
#killSelection(notify = false) ⇒ Object
Deselect all items. If notify is true
messages will be sent to the list’s message target indicating the affected items.
492 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 492 def killSelection(notify=false); end |
#makeItemVisible(item) ⇒ Object
Scroll the list to make item visible
383 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 383 def makeItemVisible(item); end |
#moveItem(other, father, item) ⇒ Object
Move item under father before other item.
330 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 330 def moveItem(other, father, item); end |
#openItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Open item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is opened.
462 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 462 def openItem(item, notify=false); end |
#prependItem(father, text, oi = nil, ci = nil, ptr = nil, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Prepend a new item with given text and optional icons and user data as first child of father. Returns a reference to the newly added item (an FXFoldingItem instance). If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is added.
321 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 321 def prependItem(father, item, notify=false); end |
#removeHeader(index) ⇒ Object
Remove header at index
266 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 266 def removeHeader(index); end |
#removeItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before the item is removed.
346 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 346 def removeItem(item, notify=false); end |
#removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Remove items in range [fromItem, toItem] inclusively. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target before each item is removed.
351 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 351 def removeItems(fromItem, toItem, notify=false); end |
#selectItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Select item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the item is selected.
447 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 447 def selectItem(item, notify=false); end |
#setCurrentItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Change current item. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target after the current item changes.
482 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 482 def setCurrentItem(item, notify=false); end |
#setHeaderIcon(index, icon) ⇒ Object
Change icon of header at index
275 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 275 def setHeaderIcon(index, icon); end |
#setHeaders(headers, size = 1) ⇒ Object
Set headers from an array of strings.
260 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 260 def setHeaders(headers, size=1); end |
#setHeaderSize(index, size) ⇒ Object
Change size of header at index
281 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 281 def setHeaderSize(index, size); end |
#setHeaderText(index, text) ⇒ Object
Change text of header at index
269 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 269 def setHeaderText(index, text); end |
#setItemClosedIcon(item, icn, owned = false) ⇒ Object
Change item’s closed icon, deleting old icon if it was owned. If owned is true
, mark icn as owned by this folding item.
400 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 400 def setItemClosedIcon(item, icn, owned=false); end |
#setItemData(item, data) ⇒ Object
Change item’s user data
406 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 406 def setItemData(item, data); end |
#setItemOpenIcon(item, icn, owned = false) ⇒ Object
Change item’s open icon, deleting old icon if it was owned. If owned is true
, mark icn as owned by this folding item.
393 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 393 def setItemOpenIcon(item, icn, owned=false); end |
#setItemText(item, text) ⇒ Object
Change item’s text
386 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 386 def setItemText(item, text); end |
#sortChildItems(item) ⇒ Object
Sort children of item
501 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 501 def sortChildItems(item); end |
#sortItems ⇒ Object
Sort all items recursively
495 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 495 def sortItems(); end |
#sortRootItems ⇒ Object
Sort root items
498 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 498 def sortRootItems(); end |
#toggleItem(item, notify = false) ⇒ Object
Toggle item selection. If notify is true
message is sent to the list’s message target to indicate the change.
457 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 457 def toggleItem(item, notify=false); end |
#updateItem(item) ⇒ Object
Repaint item
436 |
# File 'rdoc-sources/FXFoldingList.rb', line 436 def updateItem(item); end |